
Fish farms

  • Feasibility studies for fish farm installations, based on land, in closed cages and in open cages.
  • Based on feasibility studies, investment budgets and basis for tenders from competing suppliers of equipment and services. Project management throughout the process until the installation is fully operational.
  • Obtaining licenses to operate
  • Licenses for discharge
  • Land based fish farms for several species
  • Sea based fish farms for several species
  • Closed sea cages
  • Recirculating Aquaculture systems RAS:
  • Design, building, commissioning, startup and operation of RAS systems both for seawater and freshwater species of fish.

Processing factories

  • Fish harvesting facilities
  • Processing and packing of fish
  • Value adding processes for fish products
  • Factory infrastructure


  • Health, safety and Environmental / HAACP systems for fish farms and factories