Public Funding


We assist our clients to obtain public funding. This is done by assessing projects that may be eligible for public money. We write the application in close cooperation with our client in order to ensure that the objectives and budgets are realistic.

When the application is approved we assist in designing the project in such a way that it is as easy as possible to keep track of expenses which are eligible for public support.

We assist in reporting to the authorities as well as for internal use if that is necessary.


Skattefunn is the basis for the main public funding available to private enterprises. The amount of grants receivable varies with company size.
The range is from 18 % for large companies to 20 % for small companies.

Skattefunn is the only funding that is available for all applicants as long as they comply with the stated requirements for the programme.

Skattefunn is administered by Forskningsrådet, the Norwegian Research Council

The Norwegian Research Council also controls and administers several other sources of public funding.


Innovasjon Norge is responsible for several programmes, we shall limit us to mentioning:

IFU (Industrielle forsknings- og Utviklingskontrakter) – Industrial R & D contracts. This programme is best suited for a cooperation between a developer of technical solutions and a demanding customer. The grants may be awarded up to 45 % of an approved budget to the developing company.

MT – Miljøteknologi ordningen. The environmental technology programme. This is a programme which is suited for prototyping and testing of new equipment and methods that. The grants are awarded both top the customer for purchase and testing and to the developer for finalising the product. Up to 45 % of an approved budget may be awarded.
